Homeopathy Medicine

By: Harminder Singh
Homeopathy Medicine
What are the basic principles of homeopathy?
The basic concept is that symptoms are manifestations of the organism trying to heal. In acute disease, the fever, malaise, pain, and diarrhea or discharges are attempts to kill the offending organism and expel the toxins from the body while encouraging a person to slow down and rest. In chronic diseases, like arthritis, migraines or hypertension, etc. are unsuccessful attempts to heal — thus, they are chronic.
From a homeopathic perspective, symptoms are any limitations of freedom — whether mental, emotional, or physical. Homeopaths observe that virtually all substances: plants, minerals, or animals may produce symptoms if given carefully to sensitive individuals or in larger quantities to less sensitive individuals. These symptoms are painstakingly cataloged in Materia Medicas, which are then elaborately analyzed to match the symptom properties of substances to symptom pictures of patients. The basic principle, verified by vast clinical experience, is: Like Cures Like A substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person will cure those very symptoms in a sick person.