Alcoholism is a medical as well as social problem when organic changes appear in the body or when symptoms that need medical attention occur. In some cases, even symptoms due to abstinence can become a major problem.
- The rise in temperature, the flush of external heat at the expense of internal organs. Excessive doses of alcohol can lead to lowering body temperature.
- The functional activity of the brain is hampered. There is a feeling of mental and physical exhilaration followed by one of comfort and repose
- Inability to Work
- If the amount of alcohol consumed exceeds the toxic doses, there is a loss of coordination and muscular power; double vision, sleeplessness, delirium aesthesia, and when the full limit is reached there is total collapse.
In extreme cases
- The temperature is subnormal, the body is bathed in a cold perspiration, the pulse may become so weak that it may not be felt, it may be very slow or very fast, the breathing is labored.
- The amount of urine is increased. If it does not progress to collapse, nausea and vomiting may set in.
Delirium Tremor Symptoms
This onset is usually seen after an alcoholic debauch or withdrawal. There may be restlessness, insomnia, nocturnal anxiety, a hallucination of animals such as mice, rat, etc, high fever, dryness of tongue, tremor of fingers, face, lips, and tongue.
Homeopathic Solutions
Homeopathic medicines should be given symptomatically to prevent the toxic effect of alcohol intake, Combination medicines SI is very effective to lessen the craving for alcohol. If it is taken for a considerable period of time it totally removes the habit of taking alcohol from a person. Nux Vomica, Gelsemium, Sterculia and Colocynth are other effective solutions. Remedies work to help the patient for discomfort and others with drawl symptoms but these have to be taken for a prolonged period depending on the case.
Courtesy: Homeopathicvibes.
HomeopathicVibes is a full-service homeopathic consultancy located at 940, E El Camino Real Sunnyvale CA 94087.
The office phone number is 408-737-7100.
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