Lyme Disease Questionnaire 940 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Office Phone (408)737-7100 Office Fax (408)737-7102 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Do you think you were ever bitten by a tick? YesNoWhat body part was bitten by tick?Did you had a red circular rash right after bite?YesNoExplain size if yes? Do you have any Facial pain or tingling of nose, cheek or face?YesNoDo you have any twitching of the face? YesNoDo you have stiffness of neck or head area?YesNoDo you have stiffness of Jaw or TMJ joint? YesNoDid you ever have sore throat or gum disease? YesNoDo you have any eye pain swelling around the eyes? YesNoDo you have any floaters blurry vision or double vision?YesNoYour hearing is impaired or improved in the past?YesNoHave you noticed any ringing or buzzing of ears in the past? YesNoDid you ever have irritable bladder or urinary incontinence? YesNoDo you have stomach upset, nausea or pain?YesNoHow often you have stomach upset, nausea or pain if yes?YesNoLess than once a week, more often or always? Are you having any bowel problems Diarrhea /Constipation? YesNoPlease explainMood swings / Irritability YesNoShort temper ness /Cry easily YesNoSleep a little or sleep too muchYesNoHave difficulty in falling sleepYesNoDifficulty in concentrating?YesNoDo you often feel disorientated? YesNoDid you have any issues with speech? YesNoAny chest pain or shortness of breath. YesNoDry or productive cough. YesNoHeart palpitations/Anxiety/panic attacksYesNoAny night sweatsYesNoMuscle pain/Cramps/soreness of legs YesNoJoint swelling worst during day YesNoJoint swelling worst during night. YesNoWhat kind of lab test have you done so for? Please ExplainWhat medicines have you taken for your so for? Did you ever consulted any Homeopath in the past if yes, what did he/she treated you with? How long have you been on the medicine? WebsiteSubmit