Heartburn Questionnaire 940 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 harminder@homeopathicvibes.com www.homeopathicvibes.com Office Phone (408)737-7100 Office Fax (408)737-7102 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *How often does your heartburn occur? OccasionallyWeekly3-4 times a week1-2 times a weekEvery dayWhen does your heartburn occur? During the nightAfter eatingWhen bending overWhen stressedAt random timesDo you experience any of these symptoms? Frequent belchingFrequent hiccuppingRegurgitating food into your mouthRegurgitating liquids into your mouthA sour or bitter taste in your mouthDuring your meal have you noticed these problems? Difficulty swallowing foodDifficulty swallowing liquidsFood getting caught in the upper chest areaFood getting caught in the lower chest areaPain on swallowingHave any of these caused you concern? Feeling full after eating small amounts of foodRecent unexplained weight lossStomach or abdominal pain after eatingVomiting blood or black substancesUnable to swallow food and/ or liquidsHave you recently had any of these? BloatingIndigestion or upset stomachNauseaVomitingVomiting without nauseaHow long do you go between bowel movements?A few hoursA day4-6 daysA week or moreDo you have any other symptoms? Chest pain when not swallowingChest pain on exertionPersistent, dry coughHoarse voice or change in voiceWheezingWhat tests and treatment have you done in the past? Esophagus scopedEsophageal surgeryStomach surgeryOver-the-counter medication for your heartburnPrescription medications for your heartburnDo you have any abdominal pain on your lower left side? YesNoDo you have any abdominal tenderness? YesNoOccasionallyDo you have any blood in stool or vomits? YesNoOccasionallyDo you have any blood in stool or vomits? YesNoOccasionallyHave you ever consulted any Homeopath recently? YesNoLong Time agoIf yes, please give name Dr.How long treatment was taken? Less than month.Three to six monthsLonger than 6 months.What medicine do you take for your stomach? How much and when do you take it? How long have you been on the medicine? Have you had your esophagus scoped before?__________ When? Have you had any surgery done on your stomach?What kind of surgery? If any When did you have surgery? WebsiteSubmit