Hair Loss Questionnaire 940 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Office Phone (408)737-7100 Office Fax (408)737-7102 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Email *When did first noticed the hair loss or thinning? Less than a month.More than a month.More than month but less than yearMore than yearOthersDoes it affect the scalp alone, or does it occur elsewhere on the body? Only scalp.On the face.Other parts of the body also.Are the lost hair are? In patches.Diffusely ( evenly all over the scalp)Have you been noticing lots of hair in the shower, tub, hair brush or on your pillow? YesNoAlwaysHave you been noticing your hair are slowly thinning out over the time ?YesNoAre you having anorexia, nausea, vomiting or upset stomach? YesNoAny body in your family has had the similar pattern of hair loss? YesNoDon’t knowHave you ever had jaundice, edema, hyper pigmentation, pallor, or duskiness? YesNoDon’t knowHave you been ever had exposure to insecticides or pesticides? YesNoDon’t knowDo you think you have been exposed to EMF’*s more than usual? ( *Electro magnetic frequencies) YesNoDon’t knowHave you ever taken medications for over or under active thyroid? YesNoHave you noticed decreased/increased libido or loosing interest in sex? YesNoDo you use a hot blow dryer or electric curlers? Yes once in a whileDailyNeverDo you periodically dye, bleach, or perm your hair? YesNoAlwaysSometimesAre you frequent to swimming pool or beach very often? YesNoDo you have the habit of pulling the hair or twirling it around the fingers when nervous? YesNoHave you been noticing white spots or pitting in your nails?YesNoAre you having excessive stress? Yes still have it.Used to have it.SometimesNeverAny recent weight changes? Did not gain or loose any pound in last 6 months.Did gain more than 10 lbs in last 6 moths.Did loose more than 10 lb in last 6 moths.What kind of shampoo, conditioner or cleansers you use please explain? You are: Please pick the right choice. VeganVegetarian.Non-Vegetarian.Eat meat occasionally.OthersHow many serving of fruit and vegetables you eat daily? Less than one serving or none dailyOne to three servings dailyMore than three but less than six.More than six servings daily.Do you do any walking or exercise? Walk ____minutes ___times a week.Exercise___minutes___times a week.How many hours do you sleep? 5-6 hours each nigh4-5 hours each night.7-8 hour each night.More than 8 hours.Any other information you want to share regarding your health?PhoneSubmit