Candida Questionnaire 940 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Office Phone (408)737-7100 Office Fax (408)737-7102 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Have you taken tetracycline or other antibiotics for acne for 1 month (or longer any time in your life)? Have you at any time in your life taken broad spectrum antibiotics or other antibacterial medication for respiratory, urinary or other infections for two months or longer, or in shorter courses four or more times in a one-year period?Have you taken a broad-spectrum antibiotic drug even in a single dose? Have you, at any time in your life, been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other problems affecting your reproductive organs?Are you bothered by memory or concentration problems—do you sometimes feel spaced out? Do you feel ‘‘sick all over’’ yet, in spite of visits to many different physicians, the causes haven’t been found? Have you been pregnant..............Two or more times?Have you taken birth control pills.......................For more than two years? For six months to two years?Have you taken steroids orally, by injection or inhalation? For more than two weeks? ........... For two weeks or less?Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors and other chemicals provoke . . . ……………Moderate to severe symptoms?..............Mild symptoms?Does tobacco smoke really bother you? Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places?Have you had athlete’s foot, ring worm, ‘‘jock itch’’ or other chronic fungous infections of the skin or nails? Do you crave sugar?If a symptom is occasional or mildIf a symptom is frequent and/or moderately severeIf a symptom is severe and/or disablingFatigue or lethargy Feeling of being ‘‘drained’’Depression or manic depression HeadacheMuscle achesMuscle weakness or paralysisPain and/or swelling in jointsAbdominal painConstipation and/or diarrheaBloating, belching or intestinal gasTroublesome vaginal burning, itching or discharge ProstatitisImpotenceLoss of sexual desire or feelingEndometriosis or infertility Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities Premenstrual tension Attacks of anxiety or crying Cold hands or feet, low body temperatureHypothyroidismShaking or irritable when hungryCystitis or interstitial cystitis If a symptom is occasional or mildIf a symptom is frequent and/or moderately severeIf a symptom is severe and/or disabling Drowsiness, including inappropriate drowsiness IrritabilityIn-coordination Frequent mood swingsInsomniaDizziness/loss of balance Pressure above ears . . . feeling of head swellingSinus problems . . . tenderness of cheekbones or foreheadTendency to bruise easilyEczema, itching eyesPsoriasisChronic hives (urticaria) Indigestion or heartburn Sensitivity to milk, wheat, corn or other common foods Mucus in stoolsRectal itchingDry mouth or throat Mouth rashes, including ‘‘white’’ tongueBad breathFoot, hair or body odor not relieved by washingNasal congestion or postnasal dripNasal itchingSore throatLaryngitis, loss of voice Cough or recurrent bronchitis Pain or tightness in chest Wheezing or shortness of breath Urinary frequency or urgencyBurning on urinationSpots in front of eyes or erratic visionBurning or tearing eyesRecurrent infections or fluid in earsEar pain or deafnessCommentSubmit